ClubRust Trip Waiver and Release Forms



I'm an expert - Just the forms please:


The Trip Waiver Form


Consent to Travel Form


Medical Authorization Form


I need a little more help.  Which forms do I need to fill out?

All adults (18 or older)

Includes adult children of parents present on the trip.  

(i) The Trip Waiver Form

Married couple (no children on trip)


Husband and Wife sign same Trip Waiver

(i) The Trip Waiver Form

Married couple with Children


Husband and Wife sign the same Trip Waiver.  Kids 18 or older need to register and sign separately. 

(i) The Trip Waiver Form

One Parent with Children


Parent on trip signs Trip Waiver form. Parent NOT coming on the trip signs the Travel Consent form.


(i) The Trip Waiver Form

(ii) Consent to Travel Form

Youth with no Parent


Parents sign Trip Waiver form, Consent to Travel Form and Medical Authorization form.  We also need the Mexican Visa form completed online and printed for the youth.


(i) The Trip Waiver Form

(ii) Consent to Travel Form

(iii) Medical Authorization Form



The longer narrative - Just in case.


Trip Waiver form

All adults (and parents/legal guardians of minors coming on the trip) have to print, sign and mail in this trip waiver form.  As part of the registration process, you should have been given the option to download your entire registration form (4 Pages) for your records.  We only need the trip waiver page (PAGE 3) sent in.

In case you missed printing the PDF registration form after you registered online, or if you lost the email with the link to the PDF file, here is the necessary form.  Either mail the signed form to the address listed on the form, or scan it and email it to us.

Download the Trip Waiver Form


Letter of Consent to Travel for a Minor (Notarized)

If you are a minor (under 18) traveling without BOTH parents or legal guardians, you need to have the parent NOT coming on the trip (both, if you are traveling without either parent) fill out, sign and NOTARIZE this form.  Please mail completed form to the address listed on the top of the form.  We must have the original, signed and notarized form - copies or scans are not valid.

Note that unaccompanied minors are NOT allowed on ClubRust trips.  An adult chaperone (someone the parent designates, church youth leader, relative, etc.) has to accompany and be responsible for the minor.

Download Letter of Consent to Travel


Authorization for Medical Treatment of a Minor

If you are a minor (under 18) and you are traveling without at least one parent or legal guardian, you need to have one parent or your legal guardian complete and sign this form.  You may either mail this form to the address listed, or scan it and email it to us.

Download the Medical Authorization Form



Questions or comments? please contact us.

All content Copyright © 2019 ClubRust, Seattle, WA.  Last modified on 06-Jul-2019.