

ClubRust Needs your Prayers and Support!


A portion of the costs of any project that ClubRust volunteers participate in needs to be raised and sent months in advance of any trip.

ClubRust relies on donations from churches, families and individuals (like you!) to fund a PART of the cost of any projects that we work on.  The communities where we work are also doing their part by donating funds AND their time to complete these projects.  No ClubRust organizer or volunteer is ever paid for their services on the trip.

Contact us if you would like further information.  To support us:

(1) Pray for us,  

(2) Join us on a trip, and  

(3) DonateNow!


(a) Send a ONE-TIME or RECURRING online donation:

PayPal donations are sent to  our parent organization, Rancho La Paloma Ministry Center, towards ClubRust projects

(b) Send a check to our offices:



SEATTLE WA 98103-3946

ClubRust is an outreach ministry of Rancho La Paloma Ministry Center, a federal non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.  All donations to ClubRust are received and handled by the Ranch, and are tax deductible.


Questions or comments? please contact us.

All content Copyright © 2019 ClubRust, Seattle, WA.  Last modified on 09-Apr-2022.